Training -triathalon

Due to my operation I won’t be able to swim for six weeks so the Castle Howard Triathalon which I planned to in July is off because I cannot train. 

I’m now signing up to do the Brownlee’s Triathalon in Leeds in September instead which I should be ready for with no trouble hopefully.
Started as I mean to go on by going to the gym this morning. I did 25 minutes on the cross trainer which doesn’t sound like a lot but believe me, for MY level of fitness which is extremely poor, it was good 🙂

Back to it tomorrow morning.  I’ll be doing that all week to start injecting some fitness into my life before coming up with the next plan.

Also, I woke up this morning almost forgetting I had treatment yesterday. I feel great!  So that’s one less worry in my mind.

Daily post 3- LEEP surgery

I recently had a cervical cancer scare. I had a smear test and got informed in writing that I had abnormal cells so I needed to go to hospital. Cue, major panic. I went and was told I had CIN 2/3, basically pre cancerous cells which worried the heck out of me. I’ve been told I needed treatment, laser surgery to remove the abnormal cells. Well, that is tomorrow. Not looking forward to it but I guess when it’s done hopefully things will go back to normal.

Mom is coming along to offer moral support.

Wish me luck and hope it goes well for me!